Ambrai Ghat Udaipur
Here you will know about ambrai ghat udaipur.
In the charm of Udaipur a vital role is played by the astounding Lakes that are stretched on the ground of our Mewar and serve generating scenic beauty that shall be mesmerized by each!
The Udaipurites bestow their affection on the spots that deliver eternal nirvana, hence as everybody is aware of the fact that Ambrai is one of the most loved places of Udaipurites.
Ambrai Ghat Udaipur
This Ghat which was before referred as Manjhi Ghat has now surely occupied a permanent location in the hearts of especially the young blood. Ambrai Ghat is a gateway to a delighting experience that passes from the old streets of the area called as ‘Old City’ in Udaipur.
The Pichola water splashes on the Ambrai Ghat synchronously with the dancing wind accompanied by the birds and pigeons chirping joyously, and as the golden sun decides to enter the Pichola Lake delivering an enchanting view. Also the Ghat provides a detailed view of the Heritage Hotels like Lake Palace Udaipur, Jag Mandir, Shiv Niwas etc.
The Ambrai Ghat has been maintained well by the Nagar Parishad of Udaipur, marble boundaries are installed and wide seats for resting are available on the Ghat.
As the sun rises from the waters of Pichola Lake, the ghat is filled with locals who are swimming enthusiasts. They dive in the Pichola Lake from the Ghat and embrace the clean water of the Lake.
At the day time mostly the place remains less crowded but as the sun goes down, the place gets crowded with youngsters. It is also one of the places where couples love to hangout, also a beautiful place for having various photo shoots including pre-wedding photo shoots.
Because of the high-speed wind at this prime location, you can easily spot kids flying kites on the Ambrai Ghat over the Lake.
Also to satisfy one’s hunger a nearby restaurant named Ambrai Restauant is present and also other options in restaurants are available that offer lip-smacking food.
Don’t Forget to Like, Comment and Share your love for Ambrai Ghat through this article. Also mention the last time you went to this place or the next time you’ll visit Ambrai Udaipur in the comment section below.
पिछोला झील के पश्चिमी तट पर *श्री सरदार स्वरूप श्याम जी का मंदिर* स्थित है, यह मंदिर *महाराणा सरदार सिंह जी की रानी माँजी सा. (बीकानेर) द्वारा विक्रम संवत 1896 (1839 ई.स.) में बनवाया गया हरि मंदिर है, इस मंदिर के गर्भ मंदिर में भगवान विष्णु की चतुर्भुज श्याम मूर्ति तथा लक्ष्मी जी की सफेद पाषाण की प्रतिमा स्थापित है, मंदिर परिसर में “श्री श्री 1008 भूपाल विजय हनुमानजी मन्दिर” व “महादेवजी मन्दिर” स्थित है। यह मंदिर, मांजी मंदिर एवं मंदिर के सामने स्थित घाट मांजी घाट के नाम से जाना जाता है। इतिहास की जानकारी के अभाव में माझी घाट को अमराई घाट के नाम से बोला जाने लग गया है, जो गलत है । घाट का पौराणिक नाम मांजी घाट है न की अमराई घाट। मंदिर के तीन दिशाओ में झील स्थित है, बहुत सुंदर एवं आध्यात्मिक स्थल है, उक्त मंदिर पर श्री दयानंद सरस्वती द्वारा आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान प्राप्त किया है। आप सभी से आग्रह है कि इतिहास की जानकारी के अनुसार ही इस मंदिर परिसर को धार्मिक, आध्यात्मिक रूप में प्रचारीत-प्रसारीत किया जावे। अमराई घाट की जगह मांजी घाट किया जावे। गूगल व इत्यादि ऑनलाइन जगहों पर इतिहास की गलत जानकारी को संशोधित किया जावे*।
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